Google ReCaptcha in 2minsThis video will shows you how to use Google ReCaptcha in 2 minutes with a concrete example.Jul 14, 2022Jul 14, 2022
Creating Spring Boot MVC application with AWS DynamoDB in 10 minsAWS DynamoDB DB is a serverless NOSQL database. You can understand how to build a spring boot Java web MVC application (Game Leaderboard)…Mar 8, 2022Mar 8, 2022
AWS DynamoDB Scan and Query (with hands-on demo)There are two types of read operation in DynamoDB. You can know the difference between them in this video.Feb 15, 2022Feb 15, 2022
AWS DynamoDB Table Design in 10 minsAWS DynamoDB is a serverless key and value pair NOSQL database. The schema design concept is different from traditional relational…Jan 28, 2022Jan 28, 2022
JAVA singleton in 3 minsSingleton is an important design pattern in object oriented programming. We will explain this concept in 3 minutes with a concrete example.Jan 25, 2022Jan 25, 2022
The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a tool to manage with your AWS services.Thank you for watching!Jan 12, 2022Jan 12, 2022
Java For-Loop in 2 minsFor-loop is a control flow statement which allows code to be executed repeatedly. This is a very basic but important techniques in…Jan 7, 2022Jan 7, 2022
Java Polymorphism in 3minsPolymorphism means “many forms”. It allows us to perform the same action in many different ways. it occurs when we have many classes that…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
Develop Spring boot REST API in AWS — PART 4/4 (CodePipeline / CI CD)This is the last video (part4) in this demo series. We will demonstrate how to create the whole CICD pipeline in this video tutorial.Dec 15, 2021Dec 15, 2021
Develop Spring boot REST API in AWS — PART 3 (CodeDeploy / Blue Green Deployment)I will show you the the following steps in the demonstration:Dec 13, 2021Dec 13, 2021